Reel Film Buff Festival
This personal prospective project is based on my love for film and the strange and wonderful world of conspiracy theories. The Mandela effect is something I have been aware of for sometime and I wanted to explore its direct correlation to movie quotes.
The Mandela Effect is when a significant number of people share a collective false memory. The phenomena was dubbed "the Mandela effect" by self-described "paranormal consultant" Fiona Broome, in reference to her false memory of the death of South African anti-Apartheid leader Nelson Mandela in prison in the 1980s (he actually died in 2013)
How does this relate to film? Well, many famous movie lines are mis-quoted, for example in the 1975 film "Jaws” the line supposedly delivered by Sheriff Brody when he catches sight of the giant shark is “We’re gonna need a bigger boat” but most people get the quote wrong. In reality it's “You're gonna need a bigger boat.”
The Reel Film Buff Festival invites you to revisit your favourite films as you never remembered them.
The festival requires poster designs to be used as A3 advertisement pieces for the prospective festival. Each has added copy which includes the tagline for the event and a little info about the film itself and the Mandela Effect. Also created were postcards, ticket designs and mock ups for merchandise such as tote bags.
The main challenge was to see how I could creatively alter the quote on the design and symbolise the movies core themes and imagery.
The Reel Film Buff Festival invites you to revisit your favourite films as you never remembered them.
I wanted to create a name that would play to the theme of the Film Festival. ‘Reel’ could be used in place of ‘real’ as it directly relates to cinema as well as the concept of showing the ‘real’ movie line. I also enjoyed the words ‘Film Buff’ and envisioned the word ‘buff’ in a more literal term of buffing out something that is there in error or needs to removed.
For the final concept I settled on using film reel imagery to create a simple logo mark. I thought this image/logo mark can be ‘unrolled’ and expanded upon throughout the promotional material and branding of the project, ie. I can ‘unravel’ it or use its shape in different forms to highlight or separate different information, words, phrases and imagery as well as use it to physically frame and contain element, just like a movie screen or camera lens.